I did the google logo mudual. I learned how to make a google logo move. Addison Milligan
A Day in the Life a Weaver
One day there was this happy ghost named Bob. He lived in a ghost town where nobody lived. Suddenly, he heard “I’m here!” He was curious so he went outside and all he saw was the abandoned school he had been through a thousand times. Bob wanted to stretch out so he went into the Read More…
Silk Creations
I made this creation on a game called Silk.
Life in 5th Grade
All the teachers are great. Mrs. Ummel’s class is fun. You get to talk a lot. In Mr. McBride’s class you get to go outside and study the ecosystem, and do hands on lab experiments. In Mrs. Owen’s class we finished the book called You are Special by Max Lucado. In Mrs. McFall’s class we are Read More…
The Wildflower Tickseed
The Tickseed is used for floral gardens, meadows,roadsides, and slopes. It grows between May-July. It takes 10 lbs. of Tickseed to cover one acre of land. It can grow to 2-3 feet. It grows east of the rocky mountains and found throuout North America. It is yellow.
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2D Design
This is a dog. I made it out of 4 squares, 2 hexagons, 2 trapezoids, 2 triangles, and 3 rhombuses.
This is a picture made of sand that I created. Here is the link to try it out! https://thisissand.com/